Tuesday, September 27, 2016

At the cross - Cruz de Ferro

This is a very special place and time on most pilgrim's journey. I left a token of the journey for Ann, our friend Deb, and myself. No words really describe this moment.

I haven't written much about my physical condition after walking a Marathon or more each day through hills and high Plateau of Spain with a backpack on, but much to my surprise I feel better than at any time in my life. I have had no substantial foot issues, no joint pain, and have slept well. 

I attribute all that to good genes, following guidelines for not getting blisters and an amazing creator guiding my steps. 

I have been so blessed by the people that I have met and the conversations we have enjoyed.  

I have so little time to devote to writing to you because being present is so important and easy. Some will understand what I mean when I say Agape love is in evidence all day long. I had no idea that this was possible on earth.

Time to turn off the lights here in Ponferrada and get some sleep. Tomorrow will come early and we have an easy 26 kilometer day planned after today's difficult 32 kilometer hike.

We have just over 120 miles (out of 500) left to go. I will either shorten the daily distances or stay an extra day someplace along the way.

T.O.J. of the day is not a person but is a look at the history of Jews in this region.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you are doing so well,staying in the flow and finding love all around. Love from this side of the pond.


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