Monday, September 12, 2016

"as it is" on the Camino

The other day I mentioned that I was spending time considering the phrase in the Lord's Prayer "... as it is (in heaven)..." and I would like to share some thoughts that surfaced.
Now I have to preface this with admission that the Camino is not like anything I have been a part of, and that my thoughts here are not completely sorted out. But I want to attempt to communicate in a timely fashion what it is like for me to be here.

I will use biblical quotations as they came to me while walking. If you don't believe in the Bible, no problem, just understand the words as they read to you.

The first thing that I realized was that we all 'know' each other.  Somehow the process of gaining trust, a first step in building a friendship, is already completed. This is pretty amazing.  People of all ages, genders, national identity, economic and educational achievement treat one another as peers.
I have seen no exceptions.

I have walked, talked, broken bread, washed clothes, and slept in the same room with hundreds of people now, and there has not been a cross word, even in the struggle to understand one another's language. We just act as if we are life long friends from the first greeting.

The Bible verse that comes to mind is from Galatians 3:
26So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Now let me be clear, few of these folks talk about any faith in Christ, but the behavior brings those words to my mind. Ironically, at home people that do profess to be followers often don't.

Tomorrow I will try to share some of the mechanics of doing this walk. Even the way that part has developed over the centuries brings to mind what "... as it is..." in the heavenly realm should include.

Please be praying for me as I increase daily distances. My feet are doing fine as is the rest of my body, but walking this much each day involves unusual demands. Each day is wonder full on its own right, and I wish you could meet every single person I have had the pleasure to share my experience with. 

 I will share a few of them with you in coming days.

T.O.J. today is Bodo Eleazar.

(Note that I am entering this on a phone, please excuse typos, etc.)

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