Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Bridges back to home

The entry into Santiago de Compostela is a moment filled with emotion - the completion of the historic walk brings closure but at the same time a return to life as it was before one takes the first steps on their personal journey.

And leaving my Camino family is really hard. We come from Spain, Italy, Hungary, Argentina and the U.S.

The plan is to arrive in Santiago de Compostela tomorrow, Thursday afternoon, attend the pilgrim mass at the cathedral on Friday and then our Camino family moves in different directions, some visiting Spanish friends, some walking to Finisterre, some going on by bus or returning home. We are all dealing with this separation in our own ways.

One is celebrating their 50th birthday on October 8 and I hope to join her for a dinner before going to the airport to meet Ann.

I will have more to say and more pictures after I have some time to process it all. I can say that I have never experienced the pure joy, discovery and love that this walk provides, wrapped up in what presents itself in an impossible physical activity.

If you believe that the Creator orders your steps as I do, the Camino will confirm your belief.  If you don't believe it, well you might think about Einstein's statement "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." When I get to a keyboard I will share some details of the Coincidences with you.

I encourage you to begin your Camino wherever you are and see what you find out about yourself. Discover for yourself what blessings are out there waiting for your eyes to be opened. Taking this walk across Spain has become an addictive thing for many people, and I now understand why.

T.O.J. today is Gary Shapiro (don't Google it, just a personal friend).

1 comment:

  1. Holding you in my thoughts as you complete this period. I can imagine just a little the conflicting feelings it brings.


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