If you have any interest in doing this walk, here is a bird's eye view of the terrain you will cover. As I was planning my walk I watched this a few times.
Now that I have done it, the terrain is a very minor player in the experience. It is beautiful, it is challenging, it sometimes provides figs, raspberries and grapes - but mostly it is the canvas upon which the stories of our lives are painted in foot steps.
If you walk the Camino your experience will be unique and you will find the answer to some question that you might not have asked yourself.
Enjoy the video.
Here is a good time lapse film of the first day crossing the Pyrenees, that is 27 km with climb from 200 meters to over 1400 meters and then back down to 950 meters. That is a heck of a first day. I broke it up into 2 days.
Thanks for sharing Ron...