Friday, May 8, 2020

Look at That!

Today's blog will be in images of old things, man-made and sustainable, that caught my eye and I thought might make you curious.  I'll add a simple caption for each and if you have a question or comment, you can quote the caption if that matters. I provided links in some captions that I found interesting.  Enjoy!

Cruz de Santo Toribio: The town in the distance is Astorga

Doors tell stories here

Anyone Home?
I've seen other ones like that!

Cathedral Santa Maria in Astorga (Minecraft Version here)
Beautiful natural siding

Fuentencalada- where water is available for man and beast

Library Entrance in Castrillo de Los Polvazares
You are Welcome Here
Signs Along the Way

Where Did I Put My Keys?

Is that Guy Wearing a Mask?

More Storytelling Doors
A Reminder

A Well Known Mother and Child
It's Been Going on for Years!
There Is Light At the End of the Tunnel

This Signage Still Works at Walking Speeds

Medieval Baptistry

Cruz de Ferro

Keeping the Sheep In or Pilgrims Out?
The Other Jew of the Day is photojournalist Gerda Taro (1910–1937): a 26-year-old Jewish émigré from Leipzig, Germany. Taro had died in Spain, while covering the Battle of Brunete, during the second year of the Spanish Civil War. Taro was a celebrated photographer and the first female photojournalist to be killed on the frontline.

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