Saturday, August 27, 2016

Marrakech Express

Lots going on that is hard to put in words.

At Majorelle Gardens


  1. Ron, I checked on line and found the Museum. Lovely, amazing.

  2. Your are introducing me to cultures I didn't know existed.

  3. The Wall Street Journal (August 27, 2016) published recent comments King Mohammed VI of Morocco made in a televised address on August 20. He said,in part: "I call upon Moroccans living abroad to be always among the first to defend peace, harmony, and coexistence in their countries of residence....The terrorists who operate in the name of Islam are not Muslims. They have nothing to do with Islam, and jump on the bandwagon in order to justify their crimes....

  4. I didn't realize we could comment. Caity and I loved the Majorelle gardens and the Berber museum. I'm glad you had a chance to see them.


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