Cruising Notes![](
While on the cruise ship we had no internet connectivity - a choice I made to lessen distractions and increase our chances of getting some well needed rest. Thus no blog posts, but I did take some mental and written notes on what I was learning on my first cruise experience.
The cruise remind me in some ways of the Camino. In addition to the fact that we had a defined start and end point, we were traveling in the same direction towards new territory each day even if the ‘terre’ is deep ocean water.
And one meets people from many nations, hears many languages spoken, including English with many accents from New Jersey to Jersey.
I learned that octogenarians are out there having a great time! It encourages me to know that I can do that too!
Frankly, I was concerned that all this free time would be challenging - make that awful - but it was truly relaxing. I caught up on my sleep, felt very grateful for the rest time, reading time, and internet-free time. I think we napped every day.
Not signing up for the internet access package tested my ability to do something other than stare at a screen as I am doing right now. I have taken a few pictures, and read Kindle books, but low total screen time. We did access WiFi in towns briefly which allowed me to keep up with family and my friend Michael who was walking the Camino while we were on the sea.
The overall lesson learned is that I can apply my ability to get to know people anyplace, even on a huge cruise ship. Ann and I both enjoyed it and plan to do it again.
The Other Jew of the Day is Moses Cohen Henriques a well known Sephardic Jew who operated from Jamaica and captured Spanish treasure ships. Who would have guessed ...
Most times going without total connectivity is not a bad thing at all. Right now we are on a 6 week southern U.S. road trip and there is wi-fi nearly everywhere, even in the least expected places. Foregoing it does allow more connectivity than people realize.